Your calves can be affected by a lot of things in your life. This can include sitting positions and the shoes you wear. Holding them in a shortened position, which is all-too-common, will limit how much motion your ankle can take. This makes it harder on the rest of your body.
- Start by resting your lower leg on top of your foam roller. Point your toes twoards the ceiling throughout this process. For more pressure, cross the leg you’re not rolling on top of your working leg.
- Now, lift your hips from the floor. Slowly and deliberately, roll from the bottom of the calf muscle to the top, which is just below your knee. If you feel a knot, you should halt and begin to put pressure on the area. Afterwards, continue. on.
TIP: Make sure that you roll the outer and inner areas of the muscle group by turning your leg in the appropriate position. Normally, you will find that the inner area is the most tense.